2024 Continuum of Care NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity) 

On July 31, 2024, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program. The CoC’s consolidated application is due to HUD by October 30, 2024.  

HUD has shifted to a two-year competition cycle with this year’s NOFO. Additional information on this change will be shared with the CoC and applicants through this year’s competition process and into next year. We expect this year’s competition to operate similarly to prior years.  

The County of San Mateo’s Human Services Agency, as the CoC’s Collaborative Applicant, must develop the local competition process, timeline, and application materials. Information is posted below, and this page will be updated with additional information as it becomes available. Please check back frequently for new information.

If you have any questions about the NOFO process, please send them to HSA’s Center on Homelessness (HSA_Homeless_Programs@smcgov.org) and to Focus Strategies (SMC_COC_NOFO@focusstrategies.net). Please send questions to both email addresses to receive the timeliest response available. 


Applicant Information Session 

Applicants seeking new or renewal funding should attend the applicant information session via Zoom on August 13, 2024 from 9:30-11:00AM PST. This session will provide information about the process to apply for funding and key updates about the competition process and expectations. All applicants are strongly encouraged to attend.

Agencies can register for and access the Applicant Information Session at https://smcgov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocu6pqTwqE9MMrzSXy7SIDOI7Ts0IG2-j

HSA will host an office hours session focused on match funds on August 15, 2024 from 10:30-11:30AM PST. Applicants with questions about identifying and documenting match for their application are encouraged to attend and bring questions. 

Agencies can register for the August office hours session at https://smcgov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOyopzwvHdPQy5qK7hnQctNzcNiIFstw.

HSA will host an office hours session focused on e-snaps on September 24 from 10:00am-11:00am PST. Applicants with questions about e-snaps are encouraged to attend and bring questions. 

Agencies can register for the September office hours session at https://smcgov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tf-irpj0jG9RHl0iUNG_Mq2x4BB-nKVB8.”


Competition Overview and Timeline 

For the 2024 NOFO competition, all agencies applying for new and renewal funding will submit a local application. Local applications will be scored and ranked on the CoC’s Priority Listing by a neutral and non-conflicted review panel. Applications accepted onto the Priority Listing will then be required to submit an application in esnaps. Additional information about the local competition process can be found in the Project Review and Ranking Process, approved by the CoC Steering Committee on May 31, 2024.

August 8, 2024 Local competition opens
August 13, 2024 from 9:30AM-11:00AM Applicant Information Session
August 15, 2024 from 10:30AM-11:30AM Office Hours
September 3, 2024 at 12:00PM Local applications due (renewal and new)
September 24, 2024 from 10:00AM-11:00AM Office Hours
September 30, 2024 E-snaps applications due for projects accepted and ranked on Priority Listing
By October 30, 2024 HSA submits consolidated application to HUD


Application Materials 

Applicants must submit a local application by the due dates below. The Review and Rank Panel will score and rank projects on the Priority Listing according to these local applications. Only those projects (both renewal and new) accepted and ranked on the Priority Listing will be required to submit an application in esnaps. Additional information on the esnaps application process will be shared with applicants at a later date. 

Renewal Applicants 

Renewal project applications are due by September 3, 2024 at 12:00PM PST. to HSA_Homeless_Programs@smcgov.org and SMC_COC_NOFO@focusstrategies.net

Each renewal applicant will be sent an application template with pre-populated performance data. Please contact HSA_Homeless_Programs@smcgov.org if your organization has not received their application template(s) by August 9, 2024. 

Renewal project applicants must submit:  

  1. Completed renewal application template (sent via email) 
  1. All required attachments listed in the renewal application template 

Many questions in the renewal application template are also included in the esnaps application. Renewal applicants may refer to and use responses from their 2023 esnaps application to complete their 2024 local project application.   


New Applicants 

New project applications are due by September 3, 2024 at 12:00PM to HSA_Homeless_Programs@smcgov.org and SMC_COC_NOFO@focusstrategies.net 

New project applicants must submit:  

  1. Completed new project application narrative (linked below) 
  1. Completed budget template (linked below) 
  1. Screenshot of someone logged into esnaps and accessing the organization’s esnaps account 

New Project Narrative Application (fillable)

New Project Application Budget 2024.xlsx 


Estimated New Project Funding Available

Estimated CoC Bonus Funding: $1,665,774.12 

Estimated DV Bonus Funding: $535,032.60 

*We expect HUD will release the official amount of funding available for CoC Bonus Funding and DV Bonus Funding soon. The above estimate for CoC Bonus Funding is based on the estimated Annual Renewal Demand for the San Mateo County CoC. Final amounts will be posted to this page and emailed to the CoC when they are available. 


NOFA/NOFO information archive

2023 Continuum of Care NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity)

2022 Continuum of Care NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity)

2021 Continuum of Care NOFO (Notice of Funding Opportunity)

2019 Continuum of Care NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability)

2018 Continuum of Care NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability)

2017 Continuum of Care NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability)

2016 Continuum of Care NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability)

2015 Continuum of Care NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability)

2013 CoC Rating and Ranking Process